- Manuscripts should not exceed 10000 words.
- Manuscripts must include sections below and need to be compiled in the following order:
1. English Title
2. Abstract (500-750 words, It should be in the range of 500-750 words. It should not exceed 750 words or 5000 characters (with spaces).)
3. Keywords
4. Turkish Title
5. Öz (Turkish Abstract 500-750 words, It should be in the range of 500-750 words. It should not exceed 750 words or 5000 characters (with spaces).)
6. Anahtar Kelimeler (Turkish Keywords)
- Arabic Title (If the article is in Arabic)
- Arabic Abstract (500-750 words) (If the article is in Arabic)
- Arabic Keywords (If the article is in Arabic)
7. Main Text
8. Conclusion
9. References
- Öz (Turkish Abstract) and Abstract should not exceed 750 words. It should be in the range of 500-750 words. It should not exceed 750 words or 5000 characters (with spaces).
- Texts need to be written in Microsoft Office Word.
- Worksheets must be on A4 paper.
- Margins should be left 3 cm from all sides.
- Manuscripts should not contain any thing that gives away identity of author(s).
- Main text must contain Introduction and Conclusion sections.
- The title of the article should be arranged according to The ISNAD citation style; It should be set 0 pt from the top, 6 pt from the bottom, and without recess; should be aligned to the center. It should be in Palatino Linotype font, 11 pt.
- Headings should be arranged according to The ISNAD citation style, It should be set as 0 pt from the top and bottom and without indent; must be aligned on both sides. Headings should be in Palatino Linotype font, 11 pt.
- Main text should be written in Palatino Linotype Normal font in 10 point size; must be aligned on both sides; It should be 1.15 line spacing. Paragraph heads should be set as 1.25 cm left indented; spaces should be arranged as 0 pt above the paragraph and 6 pt below the paragraph.
- Footnotes should be arranged according to The ISNAD citation style.
- There should be half the line between the footnote section and the main text; 10 nk space should be left above the line.
- Footnotes should be written in Palatino Linotype Normal typeface 8 pt., must be aligned on both sides; must be in one-line spacing. Gaps should be set as 0 nk from the top and bottom.
- Table and Figure titles and - if any - references should be written in Palatino Linotype Normal font in 8 pt., must be aligned on both sides; must be in one-line spacing. Gaps are 6 pt from the bottom, 0 pt from the top for Table and Figure descriptions; For Table and Figure resources, it should be set as 6 nk from top and bottom.
- Tables should not extend beyond the writing area (page margins should not be violated), spaces should be set as 0 pt from the top and 6 pt from the bottom. Tables smaller than the page writing area should be left-aligned.
- Figures should not extend beyond the writing area (page margins should not be violated), spaces should be set as 0 pt from the top and 6 pt from the bottom. Figures smaller than the page writing area should be left-aligned.
All direct citations should be made in accordance with the ISNAD citation style. If the direct quotation is a paragraph or if the article author wants to use the direct quotation as a separate paragraph, it should be written in Palatino Linotype Normal font in 10 font size; must be aligned on both sides; It should be 1 line spacing. The beginning of the paragraph should be set without indent, the whole paragraph should be set with 2 cm indents from the left and right; spaces should be arranged as 0 pt above the paragraph and 6 pt below the paragraph.
- References should be arranged according to the ISNAD citation style.
- References should be written in Palatino Linotype Normal font 9 pt., must be aligned on both sides; must be in one line spacing.
- The first line of each reference should not be intended and the second line should be intended 1.25 cm along the left margin. Spaces should be set 0 nk above and 6 nk below each reference.
- If more than one work of an author is included in the bibliography, the name of the author should be written again for each work.
- Turkish abstract, Turkish keywords, abstract and keywords should be written in Palatino Linotype Normal font 9 pt., must be aligned on both sides; should be single-spaced and without indent. Keywords and keywords should be prepared according to The ISNAD citation style.
- Turkish abstract and abstract should contain 500-750 words. It should be 9 pt.
- In articles written in a foreign language, beside the English title of the article and abstract (500-750 words), Turkish title with keywords and abstract (500-750 words) should be written.
- Abbreviations should be adapted for The ISNAD citation style. If abbreviations cannot be found in the ISNAD citation style, the author should explain his/her preference in commands while submitting the manuscript.
- If an explanation will be made at the end of the page for the title of the article, * sign should be used.
- Footer and Header entries should not be made.
- Page numbers should not be included.
- Margins should be 3 cm.
- Manuscripts should not contain the identity of translator(s).
- The title of the translation should be the title of the piece translated.
- The title should not include name(s) of author(s).
- With the sign (*) at the end of the title, the type of the piece translated (article, book chapter, presentation etc.) and the title of the piece in ISNAD citation style need to be added.
- Manuscript should neither contain header and footer nor page numbers.
- Title: The ISNAD citation style, centered, Palatino Linotype font, 11 point-size, not intended. 0 nk space should be set above the title and 6 nk below the title.
- Headings: The ISNAD citation style, Palatino Linotype font, 11 point-size, not intended, justified, 0 nk space should be set above and below the headings.
- Main Text: Palatino Linotype font, 10 point-size, justified, 1,15-line space.
- Paragraphs: 1,25 intended on the left side, 0 nk space above the paragraphs and 6 nk space below the paragraphs need to be set.
-Regardless of the citation system used in the original text, the page end footnote system should be used. Footnote style should be in accordance with the ISNAD Citation System.
- There should be half the line between the footnote section and the main text 10 nk; space should be left above the line.
- Footnotes should be written in Palatino Linotype Normal typeface 8 pt., must be aligned on both sides; must be in one-line spacing. Gaps should be set as 0 nk from the top and bottom.
- Table and Figure titles and - if any - references should be written in Palatino Linotype Normal font in 8 pt., must be aligned on both sides; must be in one-line spacing. Gaps are 6 pt from the bottom, 0 pt from the top for Table and Figure descriptions; For Table and Figure resources, it should be set as 6 nk from top and bottom.
- Tables should not extend beyond the writing area (page margins should not be violated), spaces should be set as 0 pt from the top and 6 pt from the bottom. Tables smaller than the page writing area should be left-aligned.
- Figures should not extend beyond the writing area (page margins should not be violated), spaces should be set as 0 pt from the top and 6 pt from the bottom. Figures smaller than the page writing area should be left-aligned.
- All direct citations should be made in accordance with the ISNAD citation style. If the direct quotation is a paragraph or if the article author wants to use the direct quotation as a separate paragraph, it should be written in Palatino Linotype Normal font in 10 font size; must be aligned on both sides; It should be 1 line spacing. The beginning of the paragraph should be set without indent, the whole paragraph should be set with 2 cm indents from the left and right; spaces should be arranged as 0 pt above the paragraph and 6 pt below the paragraph.
- References should be arranged according to the ISNAD citation style.
- References should be written in Palatino Linotype Normal font 9 pt., must be aligned on both sides; must be in one line spacing.
- The first line of each reference should not be intended and the second line should be intended 1.25 cm along the left margin. Spaces should be set 0 nk above and 6 nk below each reference.
- If more than one work of an author is included in the bibliography, the name of the author should be written again for each work.
- -If any- Turkish abstract, Turkish keywords, abstract and keywords should be written in Palatino Linotype Normal font 10 pt., must be aligned on both sides; should be single-spaced and without indent. Keywords and keywords should be prepared according to The ISNAD citation style.
- Abbreviations should be adapted for The ISNAD citation style. If abbreviations cannot be found in the ISNAD citation style, the author should explain his/her preference in commands while submitting the manuscript.
- Footer and Header entries should not be made.
- Page numbers should not be included.