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Author Guidelines


- Manuscripts should not exceed 10000 words.

- Manuscripts must include sections below and need to be compiled in the following order:

1. English Title
2. Abstract (500-750 words, 
It should be in the range of 500-750 words. It should not exceed 750 words or 5000 characters (with spaces).)

3. Keywords
4. Turkish Title
5. Öz (Turkish Abstract 500-750 words, 
It should be in the range of 500-750 words. It should not exceed 750 words or 5000 characters (with spaces).)
6. Anahtar Kelimeler (Turkish Keywords)
   - Arabic Title (If the article is in Arabic)
   - Arabic Abstract (500-750 words) (If the article is in Arabic)
   - Arabic Keywords (If the article is in Arabic)
7. Main Text
8. Conclusion
9. References

- Öz (Turkish Abstract) and Abstract should not exceed 750 words. It should be in the range of 500-750 words. It should not exceed 750 words or 5000 characters (with spaces).

- Texts need to be written in Microsoft Office Word.

- Worksheets must be on A4 paper.

Margins should be left 3 cm from all sides.

- Manuscripts should not contain any thing that gives away identity of author(s).

- Main text must contain Introduction and Conclusion sections.

- The title of the article should be arranged according to The ISNAD citation styleIt should be set 0 pt from the top, 6 pt from the bottom, and without recess; should be aligned to the center. It should be in Palatino Linotype font, 11 pt.

- Headings should be arranged according to The ISNAD citation styleIt should be set as 0 pt from the top and bottom and without indent; must be aligned on both sides. Headings should be in Palatino Linotype font, 11 pt.

- Main text should be written in Palatino Linotype Normal font in 10 point size; must be aligned on both sides; It should be 1.15 line spacing. Paragraph heads should be set as 1.25 cm left indented; spaces should be arranged as 0 pt above the paragraph and 6 pt below the paragraph.

- Footnotes should be arranged according to The ISNAD citation style.

There should be half the line between the footnote section and the main text; 10 nk space should be left above the line.

Footnotes should be written in Palatino Linotype Normal typeface 8 pt., must be aligned on both sides; must be in one-line spacing. Gaps should be set as 0 nk from the top and bottom.

Table and Figure titles and - if any - references should be written in Palatino Linotype Normal font in 8 pt., must be aligned on both sides; must be in one-line spacing. Gaps are 6 pt from the bottom, 0 pt from the top for Table and Figure descriptions; For Table and Figure resources, it should be set as 6 nk from top and bottom.

Tables should not extend beyond the writing area (page margins should not be violated), spaces should be set as 0 pt from the top and 6 pt from the bottom. Tables smaller than the page writing area should be left-aligned.

Figures should not extend beyond the writing area (page margins should not be violated), spaces should be set as 0 pt from the top and 6 pt from the bottom. Figures smaller than the page writing area should be left-aligned.

All direct citations should be made in accordance with the ISNAD citation style. If the direct quotation is a paragraph or if the article author wants to use the direct quotation as a separate paragraph, it should be written in Palatino Linotype Normal font in 10 font size; must be aligned on both sides; It should be 1 line spacing. The beginning of the paragraph should be set without indent, the whole paragraph should be set with 2 cm indents from the left and right; spaces should be arranged as 0 pt above the paragraph and 6 pt below the paragraph.

- References should be arranged according to the ISNAD citation style.

References should be written in Palatino Linotype Normal font 9 pt., must be aligned on both sides; must be in one line spacing.

- The first line of each reference should not be intended and the second line should be intended 1.25 cm along the left margin. Spaces should be set 0 nk above and 6 nk below each reference.

If more than one work of an author is included in the bibliography, the name of the author should be written again for each work.

- Turkish abstract, Turkish keywords, abstract and keywords should be written in Palatino Linotype Normal font 9 pt., must be aligned on both sides; should be single-spaced and without indent. Keywords and keywords should be prepared according to The ISNAD citation style.

Turkish abstract and abstract should contain 500-750 words. It should be 9 pt.

In articles written in a foreign language, beside the English title of the article and abstract (500-750 words), Turkish title with keywords and abstract (500-750 words) should be written.

- Abbreviations should be adapted for The ISNAD citation style. If abbreviations cannot be found in the ISNAD citation style, the author should explain his/her preference in commands while submitting the manuscript.

If an explanation will be made at the end of the page for the title of the article, * sign should be used.

Footer and Header entries should not be made.
- Page numbers should not be included.


- Texts needs to be written in Microsoft Office Word.
- Worksheets must be on A4 paper size.

- Margins should be 3 cm.
- Manuscripts should not contain the identity of translator(s).
- The title of the translation should be the title of the piece translated.

- The title should not include name(s) of author(s). 

- With the sign (*) at the end of the title, the type of the piece translated (article, book chapter, presentation etc.) and the title of the piece in ISNAD citation style need to be added.
- Manuscript should neither contain header and footer nor page numbers.
- Title: The ISNAD citation style, centered, Palatino Linotype font, 11 point-size, not intended. 0 nk space should be set above the title and 6 nk below the title.
- Headings: The ISNAD citation style, Palatino Linotype font, 11 point-size, not intended, justified, 0 nk space should be set above and below the headings.
- Main Text: Palatino Linotype font, 10 point-size, justified, 1,15-line space.
- Paragraphs: 1,25 intended on the left side, 0 nk space above the paragraphs and 6 nk space below the paragraphs need to be set.

-Regardless of the citation system used in the original text, the page end footnote system should be used. Footnote style should be in accordance with the ISNAD Citation System.
There should be half the line between the footnote section and the main text 10 nk; space should be left above the line.
- Footnotes should be written in Palatino Linotype Normal typeface 8 pt., must be aligned on both sides; must be in one-line spacing. Gaps should be set as 0 nk from the top and bottom.
- Table and Figure titles and - if any - references should be written in Palatino Linotype Normal font in 8 pt., must be aligned on both sides; must be in one-line spacing. Gaps are 6 pt from the bottom, 0 pt from the top for Table and Figure descriptions; For Table and Figure resources, it should be set as 6 nk from top and bottom.
- Tables should not extend beyond the writing area (page margins should not be violated), spaces should be set as 0 pt from the top and 6 pt from the bottom. Tables smaller than the page writing area should be left-aligned.
- Figures should not extend beyond the writing area (page margins should not be violated), spaces should be set as 0 pt from the top and 6 pt from the bottom. Figures smaller than the page writing area should be left-aligned.
- All direct citations should be made in accordance with the ISNAD citation style. If the direct quotation is a paragraph or if the article author wants to use the direct quotation as a separate paragraph, it should be written in Palatino Linotype Normal font in 10 font size; must be aligned on both sides; It should be 1 line spacing. The beginning of the paragraph should be set without indent, the whole paragraph should be set with 2 cm indents from the left and right; spaces should be arranged as 0 pt above the paragraph and 6 pt below the paragraph.
- References should be arranged according to the ISNAD citation style.
- References should be written in Palatino Linotype Normal font 9 pt., must be aligned on both sides; must be in one line spacing.
- The first line of each reference should not be intended and the second line should be intended 1.25 cm along the left margin. Spaces should be set 0 nk above and 6 nk below each reference.
- If more than one work of an author is included in the bibliography, the name of the author should be written again for each work.
- -If any- Turkish abstract, Turkish keywords, abstract and keywords should be written in Palatino Linotype Normal font 10 pt., must be aligned on both sides; should be single-spaced and without indent. Keywords and keywords should be prepared according to The ISNAD citation style.
- Abbreviations should be adapted for The ISNAD citation style. If abbreviations cannot be found in the ISNAD citation style, the author should explain his/her preference in commands while submitting the manuscript.
- Footer and Header entries should not be made.
- Page numbers should not be included.

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