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                            ISLAMIC INSURANCE (TAKAFUL)

            Rationale, History, World Applications and Literature

1.      The Reasons for the Emergence of Islamic Insurance

2.      Historical Development of Islamic Insurance (Insurance Practices in Islamic History and Especially Ottoman Period)

3.      Insurance of the Islamic world and Representative in Turkey

4.      Comparison of Conventional Insurance and Islamic Insurance

5.      Literature and Development of Islamic Insurance

6.      Cooperative Method in Islamic Insurance

7.      The Future and Sustainability of Islamic Insurance

Islamic Banking

8.      Legal Regulations Regarding Islamic Insurance in the World and Comparison Between These Laws

9.      Constraints arising from the Insurance Contract Law in Islamic Jurisprudence in Turkey and Evaluation from the Angle

10.  Risks Covered by Islamic Insurance

11.  Evaluation of Islamic Insurance Funds

12.  Zakat of Islamic Insurance Funds

13.  Ownership of Assets in Islamic Insurance

14.  Nature of the Islamic Insurance Agreement

15.  Nature and Termination of Islamic Insurance Companies

16.  The Effect of Islamic Insurance on the Risk of Compensation

17.  Opportunities Offered by Islamic Insurance

18.  Insurance of Islamic Insurance Companies (Re-Takâfül)


                            ISLAMIC FINANCE

            Rationale, History, World Applications and Literature

1.      Reasons for the Emergence of Islamic Finance

2.      Historical Development of Islamic Finance (Financial Practices in Islamic History and Especially Ottoman Period)

3.      Islamic Finance world and Representative in Turkey

4.      Share of Islamic Finance on a Global Scale

5.      Literature and Development of Islamic Finance


Islamic Finance in Legal and Legal Aspects

6.      Comparison Between Regulations Regarding Islamic Finance in the World

7.      Constraints arising from Islamic Banks in Turkey and Evaluation Contract Law in the Jurisprudence Angle

8.      Financial Products Used in Islamic Finance (Murabaha, Teverruk, Müşareke, İcare / Leasing, Mudarebe, Bey’ul-‘İne etc. Sukuk / Lease Certificates, Foreign Exchange Transactions and Derivative Transactions)

9.      Sanctions / Delay Penalties and Jurisprudence in Islamic Banking

10.  Risk Management in Islamic Finance System

11.  Opportunities, Threats, Strengths / Weaknesses and Solutions in Islamic Banking

12.  Zakat Practices in Islamic Banking



1. Islamic Finance Concepts (Money, Profit, Interest, Risk etc.)

2. Islamic Investment Funds

3.Islamic Wealth Management

4. Islamic Capital Markets and Products (Stocks etc.)

5. Islamic Financial Technologies; Blockchain Technology

6. Crypto Coins

            7.Islamic Micro Finance


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